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Zinc Acetate in the lozenges Industry
Published on: September 27, 2023

Zinc Acetate in the lozenges Industry

Zinc Acetate

Commonly occurring as the dihydrate Zn(CH3CO2)2•2H2O, zinc acetate is a salt that has the chemical formula of Zn(CH3CO2)2. Used as directory supplements zinc acetate is generally found as colorless solids in the anhydrous and hydrate forms.

The E number of zinc acetate is E650 when it is used as a food additive. Being a nutritional supplement, Zinc Acetate is a vital component that is necessary for the proper development, growth, and functioning of the human body.

Preventing acne and skin infections, promoting wound healing, and bringing improvement in immunity are some of the functions of zinc acetate. The progression of age-related diseases is also decreased along with relief from cold are also some of the benefits of intaking zinc acetate supplements. For the body to function normally the amount of zinc that is required in the human body is balanced by zinc acetate supplements.

Wilson’s disease which is a genetic disorder due to the excess build-up of copper in the human body can also be adjuvant-treated with zinc acetate supplementation. The excretion of copper from the human body is increased along with the decreasing effect of the absorption of copper in the human intestine by zinc acetate. Metallic taste, indigestion, discomfort or stomach irritation, vomiting, nausea, et cetera are some of the side effects that might be observed due to the usage of zinc acetate supplements.

The dosage of zinc acetate should be decided with the consultation of a medical expert or a doctor. The prescribed dose should be strictly followed and should be taken according to the recommended duration for best results. If an individual is energy to Zinc Acetate, then this form of supplement is not recommended for the patient. The medical conditions and information about kidney problems should always be provided to the doctor before he prescribes this medication for the patient. The person should also consult the doctor if she is breastfeeding or is pregnant because zinc acetate can also seep into the breast milk.

Zinc Acetate lozenges


Used generally as a component of some medicines such as lozenges for the treatment of common cold, zinc acetate can also be used as a dietary supplement. As part of the treatment of Wilson’s disease zinc acetate is used as an oral supplement to the body’s absorption of copper when consumed on a daily basis.

  • Medications using zinc acetate include erythromycin for the topical treatment of acne which is combined with an antibiotic, a topical lotion, or sold as a stringent in the form of an ointment.
  • The form of a topical anti-itching ointment is the majorly available medication using zinc acetate.
  • For the industrial production of vinyl acetate from acetylene, zinc acetate is used as a catalyst. In countries such as China where there are relaxed environmental regulations, zinc acetate is used for the production of vinyl acetate due to its environmentally messy nature. The major disease that is cured by this medicine is the liver disease called Wilson’s Disease.
  • Serious problems and damage might be caused to the liver due to this inherited disease which causes the liver to hold on to too much copper. The production of a certain type of protein is forced by this form of medication in the intestinal part which prevents the body from further absorption of copper from the daily diet and excreting the excess amount of copper.
  • Zinc acetate capsules should be consumed orally, usually thrice on a particular day and there should be at least a couple of hours of gap between the food and beverages (except water) and each dose.
  • The response to treatment and the medical condition of the patient generally indicates the dosage to be assigned to a patient. To obtain maximum benefit from zinc acetate capsules, regular consumption should be maintained.

Side Effects

The consumption of Zinc Acetate might cause slight stomach upset, which, if worsens, should require serious medical attention. The risk of the side effects is generally judged and analyzed to be lesser than the benefits that the patient will get from this medication before the doctor assigns this particular medication. The majority of the users of the medication do not have any serious side effects.

However, there can be a rare case where a very serious allergic reaction might arise due to the consumption of zinc acetate, which can lead to trouble breathing, severe dizziness, swelling or itching of the throat, tongue, or face, and rashes. If the condition worsens, medical attention should be sought immediately.

It should be kept in mind that prolonged use of zinc acetate at a high amount of regular dosage might reduce the copper content of the human body to such a level that it might lead to copper deficiency. Numbness in the legs and the hand, fatigue, and weakness are some of the abnormalities that can be visible due to a low level of copper in an individual’s body. Also prolonging the usage of zinc acetate might lead to difficulty for the human body to absorb nutrients such as selenium, copper, zinc, etc., from food naturally. This might lead to malabsorption syndrome, where a high dose of medicine might be required to artificially make the body absorb such nutrients.

Mechanism of Action

Regulatory structural and catalytic are the three primary biological rules that are played by zinc acetate. There are several noteworthy reviews on the functions in the structural and catalytic role of zinc which makes it well established. Inclusive of the transportation factors for different cellular signaling pathways, enzymes, receptors, cytokines, and growth factors, zinc is a structural constituent in numerous proteins. For approximately 3000 human proteins which include hormones, nuclear factors, and enzymes, zinc is implicated as a cofactor in numerous cellular processes.

Zinc Acetate in the Lozenge industry
  • A research study was conducted to test the effect of zinc acetate in the lozenge industry. The effect of zinc acetate lozenges on bringing any change or modifying the characteristics of common cold patients and allergy status was the sole aim of the study.
  • Zinc acetate lozenges were administered to common cold patients in three randomized placebo-controlled trials for which the data was already available.
  • One-stage and two-stage meta-analysis has used the estimation of the effects of zinc acetate lozenges. The overall estimates for the effect seem to be applicable over a wide range of common cold patients due to the observation that the effects of zinc acetate lozenges were consistent between the compared subgroups.
  • Common cold patients may be encouraged to try zinc acetate lozenges for treating their colds given the current evidence of efficacy while the best frequency of the administration of zinc acetate lozenges and its optimal composition is yet to be further investigated.

Thus zinc acetate is considered to be an effective and vital component in the lozenge industry due to its ability to control and cure a common cold.

Updated on: July 25, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions on: Zinc Acetate in the lozenges Industry
What is zinc acetate used for?

Being a nutritional supplement, zinc acetate is a vital component that is necessary for the proper development, growth, and functioning of the human body. Preventing acne and skin infections, promoting wound healing, and bringing improvement in immunity are some of the functions of zinc acetate. The progression of age-related diseases is also decreased along with relief from cold are also some of the benefits of intaking zinc acetate supplements.

Can I take zinc acetate daily?

Zinc acetate capsules should be consumed orally, usually thrice on a particular day and there should be at least a couple of hours of gap between the food and beverages (except water) and each dose. The capsule should not be chewed or crushed before consumption. The response to treatment and the medical condition of the patient generally indicates the dosage to be assigned to a patient. To obtain maximum benefit from zinc acetate capsules, regular consumption should be maintained.

Which is considered to be the best form of zinc supplementation?

As per Li’s recommendations, due to the reason for generally better absorption, chelated zinc is considered to be the most effective form of zinc. Zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, and zinc gluconate are some of the best forms of zinc available in the market for treating and preventing diseases that can arise due to zinc deficiency in the body.

Are zinc lozenges safe?

Inclusive of bad taste in the mouth and nausea, zinc acetate, especially in the form of a lozenge, might have many side effects. Permanent loss of smell has also been severe damage which is caused by zinc nasal sprays. A cautionary statement against using such sprays has been raised by the doctors due to this probable serious damage that can lead to a permanent loss of smell.

What's the difference between zinc and zinc acetate?

Zinc is a naturally occurring metal that is present in some foods and can also be taken as a dietary supplement. It is involved in many important functions in the body, including the metabolism of DNA and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.

Zinc acetate, on the other hand, is a compound that is made by combining zinc with acetic acid. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement and has several health benefits, including the relief of symptoms associated with the common cold. Zinc acetate is also used in some over-the-counter medications to treat certain skin conditions, such as acne.

Commonly occurring as the dihydrate Zn(CH3CO2)2•2H2O, zinc acetate is a salt that has the chemical formula of Zn(CH3CO2)2.

Which form of zinc is best absorbed?

Zinc sulfate is one of the less expensive forms of zinc supplements, but it is often associated with stomach upset and poor absorption. On the other hand, forms such as zinc monomethionine, zinc glycerate, zinc acetate, zinc citrate, and zinc picolinate are generally considered to be better absorbed by the body and are therefore often more expensive. However, it’s important to note that the form of zinc that is best for you may depend on your individual health needs and conditions.

Do zinc lozenges help sore throats?

The reported incidence is as high as 90% of patients undergoing general anesthesia, though the intensity and severity of sore throat vary from person to person. To up-regulate the immune system, zinc therapy has been shown in multiple studies to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms of a cold.

Who shouldn't take zinc acetate supplements?

Thiazide diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), deferoxamine, immunosuppressant medications, cisplatin, ACE inhibitors, certain antibiotics, amiloride, penicillamine, and blood pressure medications are some of the medications that might interfere with the zinc acetate supplementation.

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