Fabricant d’API et de produits pharmaceutiques fins en Inde
Glycinate de Bore
  • Nom de Produit:

    Glycinate de Bore

  • Formule Moléculaire:
  • Masse Moléculaire:
    232.99 g/mol
  • Numéro CAS:
  • Code HSN:
  • Code CID:
  • Durée de conservation:
    3 ans - 20°C poudre

USP of Glycinate de Bore

  • Boron glycinate has potential benefits for cognitive well-being, particularly in older adults.
  • Boron glycinate helps promote a balanced inflammatory response.

MSDS of Glycinate de Bore

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Description of Glycinate de Bore

Boron glycinate is a relatively new product in the boron supplement space. Despite its recent introduction to the market, this form of boron has quickly gained popularity among health-conscious consumers. The reason for this rapid popularity is its high bioavailability, meaning how easily it can be absorbed and utilized by the body. Boron glycinate is preferred due to its potential benefits for cognitive well-being and its role in promoting a balanced inflammatory response.

Application of Glycinate de Bore

  • Mineral Metabolism: Aids in the metabolism of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, essential for maintaining bone health.
  • Hormonal Balance: Influences levels of sex hormones, including estrogen and testosterone, which can benefit overall hormonal health.
  • Cognitive function: Potentially improves brain function and cognitive processes, although more research is needed in this area.
  • Muscle Health: Used in supplements to support strength and muscle development, which may be beneficial for athletes and the elderly.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Its anti-inflammatory effects may be beneficial in the management of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Wound Healing: May promote the healing process through its role in cell growth and repair.
  • Immune System Support : Boron is thought to play a role in improving immune system function.
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